[Web4lib] LibraryThing Local

Tim Spalding tim at librarything.com
Mon Mar 3 11:13:42 EST 2008

This is a bit promotional—announcing a new LT feature that isn't only
for libraries. I hope it's not over the line.

We just added a sub-site called "LibraryThing Local." Every bookstore,
book fair and *library* gets a page, for people to "favorite" and for
all their events. So far, members have added 2,800 venues, including
1,600 libraries—so yours may already be there, but can probably be
dressed up and there's a "claim this venue" process.


Soon we'll be offering widgets and feeds, so libraries can use our
system to serve their events to others.

If this was over the line, my apologies and please delete!

Check out my library at http://www.librarything.com/profile/timspalding

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