[Web4lib] xmlhub and RSS for ODP pages

Darci Hanning darci.hanning at state.or.us
Fri Jan 11 17:56:19 EST 2008

Hi everyone!

I inherited a project that makes use of xmlhub.com's rssgener8 software/service to provide RSS feeds from the Open Directory Project (http://dmoz.org/). In the past month or so, xmlhub has basically stopped serving up these feeds and I'm investigating alternatives. 

The ultimate goal is to have a valid RSS feed created from any particular page from with the ODP site where each website listed (but not additional categories) shows up as an individual item in the feed.

>From my re/search so far, it seems that at one time ODP offered RSS feeds but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore -- is that correct?

So far I have on my list to investigate the following:

Dapper, Feed43, and Feedity.

As a last resort I'm willing to run a local version of xmlhubs rssgener8 software but would appreciate other pointers in case I'm overlooking anything.

Thanks much!


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