[Web4lib] Take a Survey of Library Services for Business Users.

Kwong, Vincci vkwong at iusb.edu
Fri Apr 11 11:46:15 EDT 2008

ALA Emerging Leaders Group N is a group of new librarians developing a guide to excellent, creative business libraries or business centers (academic, public, special, or network) in order to provide examples of innovation and best practices. This survey consists of 20 questions and will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. Your responses will be kept confidential. Participants may opt-in to receive a copy of the results. To take the survey, cut and paste the link below into your browser:


If you have any questions or problems with the survey, please feel free to contact us at EL08GroupN at googlegroups.com.

Thank you!

ALA Emerging Leaders Group N, EL08GroupN at googlegroups.com
* Vincci Kwong, Assistant Librarian, Head of Web Services, Franklin D. Schurz Library, Indiana University South Bend
* Julie Strange, Operations Supervisor, Maryland AskUsNow!

* Adriana Trujillo, Assistant to the Dean, Texas A&M University Libraries
* Julie Yen, CAS LIS candidate, MSLIS '07, Graduate School of Library & Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

* Chris LeBeau, Business Reference Librarian, University of Missouri-Kansas City
* Patricia Kenly, Business Reference Librarian & Documents Coordinator, Georgia Institute of Technology

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