[Web4lib] using joomla on a Windows vs. linux server

Francis Kayiwa kayiwa at uic.edu
Tue Nov 27 09:28:38 EST 2007

On Nov 27, 2007, at 8:03 AM, Masud-Paul, Janice wrote:

> Good morning.
> We are considering using Joomla as a content management system but  
> most
> of our experience is with Windows OS on our servers.  Did any of you
> install Joomla on a Windows server?  Did you run into any problems?   
> Are
> there advantages to installing the software on a Linux box?

I've never installed/used Joomla but from the dev. pages it seems like  
the only advantage to installing Joomla on Linux is because this is  
their recommendation (warning on page 3 below).


This has support implications. While you can probably get away with  
using Windows, if anything breaks you won't have too many developers  
taking their time to help you fix the problems you encounter.

So if you have staff that are available to support the Windows  
Operating System + Staff who will be able to fix whatever problems you  
encounter then I would say go for it. Otherwise I would stick with  
what "The Manual" tells you.


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