[Web4lib] IE7 address bar

Marcin Malinowski malin at malin.net.pl
Tue May 22 15:07:19 EDT 2007


Junior Tidal writes:

> Hi all, 

> Thanks for the suggestions! We want to setup our workstations so that
> our students can only use library databases and resources and not for
> anything else. We have a separate lab in the library for general
> internet purposes. 

> Right now, we're testing the kiosk option...hopefully it'll be the
> right solution. 

You may consider switching to other browser. There's a great extension
for  Firefox  browser  (http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/), called
R-kiosk: https://addons.mozilla.org/pl/firefox/addon/1659

Opera   Browser   (http://opera.com)   has   also  a  great  and  very
customizable  kiosk  mode, and you don't have to install nothing but a
browser, just do some tweaking as described in documentation:

> Thanks again for your help!

> Regards,
> Junior Tidal

Marcin Malinowski

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