[Web4lib] New Job Title Pulled from Thin Air

David J. Fiander dfiander at uwo.ca
Thu May 17 15:17:12 EDT 2007

HAZEL Margaret E wrote:

> In my last job I was Webmistress for the Oakland Public Library, in
> California.  I made that one up, and got it on my business cards.
> Officially Senior Librarian, there.

It's unfortunate that 10 years or so ago the male-dominated tech field 
didn't just start with a gender-neutral pronoun for this job.  I always 
promoted "Webster" for the web manager, but nobody ever seemed to take me 
up on it.

- David
David J. Fiander              | +1 519 661 2111 ext 86369
Digital Services Librarian    | http://www.lib.uwo.ca/taylor/
Allyn & Betty Taylor Library  | MSN chat: dfiander at uwo.ca
University of Western Ontario |

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