[Web4lib] Mailto: links that can't be harvested by spambots?

Tim Spalding tim at librarything.com
Sun Feb 18 11:47:00 EST 2007


I should have added that, unless I've very mistaken, screen readers
don't use JS. Otherwise, I wouldn't care. The people who leave JS off
for security reasons will soon be rounded up anyway.

I'm not an accessibility nut, but if you can do it without JS, and
it's simpler, I'd avoid it.


>So just put up a regular old mailto: linkwhere it's appropriate, and
get yourself a good spam and security filter.

Do mailto links *ever* work for web-based email?


On 2/18/07, Ross Singer <ross.singer at library.gatech.edu> wrote:
> On 2/18/07, Tim Spalding <tim at librarything.com> wrote:
> > There is a slight drawback to JS techniques—they're not fully
> > accessible. If the user has JS turned off, the links vanish. That's
> Of course huge swaths of the internets don't work for these people, as
> well, so they have somehow learned to cope with disappointment.
> Basically, I wouldn't let this argument deter anyone.
> -Ross.

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