[Web4lib] Code4lib 2008 Minority Scholarship

Danielle Plumer dplumer at tsl.state.tx.us
Wed Dec 19 15:04:55 EST 2007

Like several others, it seems, I'm feeling just a wee bit ashamed of myself for not contributing to this discussion. In fact, I had been preparing a response (along the lines of "why I'm going to attend Code4Lib") when one comment popped up that made me feel physically ill:  

"One woman, free 'Happy Hour' at the Embassy Suites, and a nerd herd."

Tailhook '91, anyone? Or, if you're not old enough to remember that one, think back to last year's Kathy Sierra case. Maybe these things have killed my sense of humor. Or maybe jokes like these just aren't funny.

Several of my (male) colleagues have said that C4L is the best technical conference in libraryland. I had thought about submitting a proposal to C4L, and I decided not to this year, because I've never attended C4L and I wasn't sure that it was the sort of conference that I'd want to be associated with (though, frankly, I was thinking about this in terms of scholarship rather than harassment). As of two days ago, I'd have said that I was definitely planning to attend. Now, though, I'm not too sure. And that's a shame.

Danielle Cunniff Plumer, Coordinator
Texas Heritage Digitization Initiative
Texas State Library and Archives Commission
512.463.5852 (phone) / 512.936.2306 (fax)
dplumer at tsl.state.tx.us

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