[Web4lib] dreamweaver-screen and css questions

Megan Johnson megsjohnson at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 20 16:34:08 EDT 2006

Raumin and others with CSS questions, 
although web4lib is a great list, the CSS discuss list
is even better for this kind of question- and lots of
their questions are well archived in their wiki-
(including how to subscribe to the list)
 wiki http://css-discuss.incutio.com/

That said, if you think you've dragged items off your
page and were using absolute positioning (which I
think you mentioned in an earlier post) it is could be
that they have a negative absolute position and are
"out of the flow."  This technique is sometimes useful
 when leaving things in the code for screen readers,
that you don't want appearing on your page.

If you post can your work somewhere and provide a URL,
people can look at the code and help you
troubleshoot...but it is hard to guess without seeing
your issue in action.

Best of luck,
Megan Johnson
Web Services Libararian 
Appalachian State University

"I think I accidentally dragged some items off my page
in dreamweaver.  

know they are there because they are in the code, but
they are off of
screen (off of my design view!)

Does anybody know how to retrieve these items to put
them back on the 

Raumin Dehghan"

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