[Web4lib] web and intranet site management

Paula Gray-Overtoom pgrayove at monroe.lib.in.us
Sat Jun 24 12:43:51 EDT 2006

I've checked the archives and site management has been discussed before, 
but much of the discussion was before the blogs, wikis and various content 
management systems.  

What I'd like to know is how do you manage your sites, both the public 
ones and the intranets, especially for public libraries?

Do you have a committee, team, or one person to make policy decisions 
about posting content?

How many people in your library have job responsibilities related to the 
public site or intranet?  Are the same people involved in working on both 

How do you post content?  Do staff use a CMS that requires no knowledge of 
HTML, send content to designated staff to post, etc?

Is anyone using a blog or wiki for your entire site, either public site or 

If you could change management procedures what would you do differently?

Web4Lib is a great resource.  Thank you so much for any assistance.


Paula Gray-Overtoom			Monroe County Public Library
Information Systems Librarian		303 E. Kirkwood Ave.
pgrayove at monroe.lib.in.us		Bloomington, IN 47408
phone: 812-349-3050			http://www.monroe.lib.in.us
fax:  812-349-3051

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