[Web4lib] Privacy and Library 2.0 survey

Edward Corrado corrado at tcnj.edu
Fri Dec 22 17:15:56 EST 2006

Hello WEB4LIBers,

First off, let me apologize for cross-posting. I am conducting a survey
of the opinions of librarians on issues relating to Privacy and Library
2.0. All questions are optional (and voluntary) and all data collected
will be separated from the individual who responded. I would appreciate
it greatly if you can take a few minutes out of your busy day to fill
out my survey. The survey will be open until next year. More
specifically it will be open until Wednesday, January 3'rd. The URL for
the survey is:


Because this server uses a non-standard port, some firewalls may block
access to it. If this is the case, I've attached the survey below which
can be filled out and e-mailed to me. The survey should take you about
10 minutes to complete. Your participation is voluntary [and there is no
penalty  if you do not participate]. If you have any questions or
concerns about completing the questionnaire e-mail me at corrado at tcnj.edu.



Edward M. Corrado
Systems Librarian
The College of New Jersey
corrado at tcnj.edu

Web version of the survey:

E-mail version of the survey:


I am inviting you participate in a research project to study the
attitudes of librarians about Privacy and Library 2.0. Attached there is
a short questionnaire that asks a variety of questions about these
issues. I am asking you to look over the questionnaire and, if you
choose to do so, complete it and e-mail it back to me. It should take
you about 10 minutes to complete. Through your participation I hope to
understand better the attitudes of Librarians on this issue I hope that
the results of the survey will be useful for libraries.

I do not know of any risks to you if you decide to participate in this
survey and I guarantee that your responses will not be identified with
you personally. I promise not to share any information that identifies
you with anyone else.

The survey should take you about 10 minutes to complete. I hope you will
take the time to complete this questionnaire. Your participation is
voluntary [and there is no penalty if you do not participate]. If you
have any questions or concerns about completing the questionnaire e-mail
me at corrado at tcnj.edu.

Your state or province: _______________________

Country: _______________________

What type of library are you from?

__ Academic

__ Public

__ School

__ Special

__ Not currently employed in a library

__ Other: _______________________

How would you classify the size of your library?

__ Small

__ Medium

__ Large

__ Other: _______________________

What is the name of your institution? (optional): _______________________

Which best describes your role in the library?

__ Dean/Director/Head of Library

__ Systems Librarian

__ Public Services

__ Technical Services

__ Access Services

__ LIS Professor

__ LIS Student

__ Other:_______________________

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the most important, how important do
you think protecting patron privacy is?

__ 1 -Low importance

__ 2

__ 3

__ 4

__ 5 - High importance

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the most experience, how much
experience do you have using Social Software?

__ 1 - No experience

__ 2

__ 3

__ 4

__ 5 - Experienced

What type of electronic reference service(s) does your library offer?

Please check all that apply.

__ E-mail

__ Instant Messaging

__ Web forms

__ Specialized E-reference software

__ No E-reference offered

__ Other:_______________________

Which of the following technologies does your library use?

__ Please check all that apply.

__ Blogs

__ Wikis

__ Instant Messaging (IM)

__ RSS feeds

__ Podcasts

__ Social Bookmarking (del.icio.us, citulike, etc.)

__ Other:_______________________

Which of the following technologies do YOU use outside of the library?

Please check all that apply.

__ Blogs

__ Wikis

__ Instant Messaging (IM)

__ RSS feeds

__ Podcasts

__ Social Bookmarking (del.icio.us, citulike, etc.)

__ Other:_______________________

Does your library have a profile on MySpace, Facebook, Friendster, or
another social networking site?

__ Yes

__ No

__ Not sure

__ Other:_______________________

Does your library have a privacy policy posted on the Internet?

__ Yes

__ No

__ Not sure

__ Other:_______________________

Does your library web site warn patrons about privacy issues when they
follow a link from your site to outside resources (such as a journal

__ Yes

__ No

__ Not sure

__ Other:_______________________

Does your library keep circulation records?

__ We don't keep any circulation records (even while the item is checked

__ Only until item is returned

__ Only until the item is returned and all fines and fees have been cleared

__ From one day to one month after item is returned

__ From one month to one year after item is returned

__ Indefinitely

__ Other:_______________________

Some libraries offer patrons extra services if they login or provide an
E-mail address. These services include things like saved searches and My
Bookbag/My Shopping Cart options. In your opinion, do these extra
services amount to an invasion of privacy?

__ Yes

__ No

__ Not sure

__ Other:_______________________

If your library offers e-reference, how long do you keep/archive
e-reference questions?

__ We don't offer e-reference

__ Only until question answered

__ Up to one month after answered

__ Up to one year after answered

__ Indefinitely

__ Other:_______________________

Does your library keep any of the following information about patrons?
(check all that apply)

__ Phone and/or address

__ Social Security Number

__ Drivers License Number

__ Other Government issued ID number

__ Fine History

__ ILL requests

__ Credit Card information

__ Age/Birth date

__ Sex

__ Other:_______________________

Agree / Disagree: As part of information literacy instruction,
librarians should teach patrons about issues relating to privacy

__ 1 – Strongly Agree

__ 2 – Agree

__ 3 - Neutral

__ 4 – Disagree

__ 5 – Strongly Disagree

Agree / Disagree: Libraries and schools should block access to social
networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook because the sites intrude
on people's privacy

__ 1 – Strongly Agree

__ 2 – Agree

__ 3 - Neutral

__ 4 – Disagree

__ 5 – Strongly Disagree

Agree / Disagree: There is no privacy online, so librarians should just
get over it

__ 1 – Strongly Agree

__ 2 – Agree

__ 3 - Neutral

__ 4 – Disagree

__ 5 – Strongly Disagree

Agree / Disagree: Privacy is unimportant, community is important

__ 1 – Strongly Agree

__ 2 – Agree

__ 3 - Neutral

__ 4 – Disagree

__ 5 – Strongly Disagree

Agree / Disagree: Librarians are more concerned about patron privacy
than patrons are

__ 1 – Strongly Agree

__ 2 – Agree

__ 3 - Neutral

__ 4 – Disagree

__ 5 – Strongly Disagree

Agree / Disagree: It is not necessary to offer patrons the ability to
customize web based services such as the library catalog and online

__ 1 – Strongly Agree

__ 2 – Agree

__ 3 - Neutral

__ 4 – Disagree

__ 5 – Strongly Disagree

Agree / Disagree: Younger librarians are less concerned about patron
privacy than older librarians.

__ 1 – Strongly Agree

__ 2 – Agree

__ 3 - Neutral

__ 4 – Disagree

__ 5 – Strongly Disagree

Agree / Disagree: The computer department at my institution is less
concerned about privacy than the library.

__ 1 – Strongly Agree

__ 2 – Agree

__ 3 - Neutral

__ 4 – Disagree

__ 5 – Strongly Disagree

Agree / Disagree: Computer programmers are less concerned about privacy
than librarians.

__ 1 – Strongly Agree

__ 2 – Agree

__ 3 - Neutral

__ 4 – Disagree

__ 5 – Strongly Disagree

Please leave any comments or questions you might have about this survey.
Also, let me know if there any questions about Privacy and Library 2.0
that you would like to see asked in a future survey?

Edward M. Corrado
Systems Librarian
The College of New Jersey
403E TCNJ Library
PO Box 7718 Ewing, NJ 08628-0718
Tel: 609.771.3337  Fax: 609.637.5177
Email: corrado at tcnj.edu

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