[Web4lib] Another Reason to Use FireFox

Raymond Wood raywood at magma.ca
Tue May 24 21:18:19 EDT 2005

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On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 09:30:51AM +0000, Thomas Bennett wrote:
> This is just for info not to start any flames please.  

See .sig below :-)

> Its nice to see FireFox adding features that has been "built-in" to
> Opera for many versions.  There is a "side-by-side review" of Opera
> and FireFox at Newsforge ( http://www.newsforge.com/ ).  The article
> is at
> http://internet.newsforge.com/internet/05/05/10/1626233.shtml?tid=144&tid=13
> I submit this having not read the article yet, as a non bias approach
> (although I'm obviously bias ;-) ).
> Thomas
> PS: and the banner in the free  Opera is trivial.  The banner on mine
> is .25 inch high at the top of the screen which measures 12 inches
> high.

I am biased also ;-)  The thing is, this "side-by-side" review is
actually "apples and oranges" IMHO.  One product is open source[1], and
one is not.  Additionally (as you have noted) Opera is not only closed
source, it is 'adware' (a business model that I find especially
repugnant personally).

To those of us who have become attuned to the advantages (short-term
*and* long-term) of FOSS, there is no critical decision point here; it
is actually pretty much a no-brainer.  Why would I use a closed-source
ad-driven browser when I could support an excellent open-source browser
like FF?

Having said all this, there is no accounting for taste (including mine
;-)  And, of course, variety is the spice of life (even though it
occasionally gives me indigestion :-)

[1] a.k.a. 'FOSS' (Free and Open Source Software)

My $0.02,
- -- 
"Be Nice, or Leave - By Order of the Management"
(Sign above door, Black Sheep Inn, Wakefield)
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