[WEB4LIB] In defense of stupid users

Jennifer Heise jahb at lehigh.edu
Thu May 5 12:24:13 EDT 2005

I can't really discuss it, because my response is "What he said."
I want a single-search engine. I also want the individual searches for 
when I want to do something cool like limit ERIC to research reports or 
browse by subject heading-subheading in Academic Index. But I'm tired of 
feeling that I'm dragging unwilling students (and my unwilling self) 
from database to database in search of a simple collection of sources-- 
it's worse than going to the mall in search of a simple black skirt with 
a pre-teen in tow.
Not to mention having to fight with different terminology and different 
indexing schemes (try looking for medieval glass beads in other 
databases, then try Google Scholar. Read 'em and weep).
The same people who complain so vociferously about the Google paradigm 
don't flinch when they see their users searching Jstor or Science Direct 
under the impression that these are subject databases.
-- Jenne Heise

>I don't recall seeing any discussion of this Todd Miller op ed piece
>from the March 15 Library Journal:
>"In the library world, we spend a remarkable amount of time and energy
>larding up our search interfaces with umpteen filters, Boolean
>pull-downs, radio buttons, and so on...After we've built the ultimate
>stretch Cadillac of search engines, we proceed to 'educate' the user
>about constructing searches in native command languages. And we're
>incredulous when Johnny turns to Google instead of to the awesome
>nuclear engine we've constructed."
>Miller, Todd. In defense of stupid users. Library Journal, 130(5), 58.
>March 15, 2005.
>Bernie Sloan
>Senior Library Information Systems Consultant, ILCSO
>University of Illinois Office for Planning and Budgeting
>616 E. Green Street, Suite 213
>Champaign, IL  61820
>Phone: (217) 333-4895
>Fax:   (217) 265-0454
>E-mail: bernies at uillinois.edu

/   Jennifer Heise, Helpdesk/Librarian, Email: jahb at lehigh.edu
\ \ Lehigh Library & Technology Services, Phone: (610) 758-3072
  / Fairchild-Martindale Library, 8A Packer Ave, Bethlehem PA 18015   

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