Mac Mozilla CSS image includes problem

Bobb Menk bmenk at
Tue Jan 11 16:06:24 EST 2005

I've run across some really odd behavior trying to include a logo image 
on the top of a page as a banner.

The gist of the problem is this:

Mozilla 1.73 on Mac OS X seems to only display images that live on the 
local server - even though images are correctly referenced on a 
different server using the URL. Permissions don't seem to be the issue. 
This code works on Mac Firefox, and Mac Netscape 7.x, which would seem 
the most likely candidates for having the same problem.  It also works 
fine on all other Mac and Windows browsers I have access to.

Both of the following methods break:

(This is from a linked stylesheet where I have this CSS):

#lablogo {/* Left half of lab header with blue fade background */
margin: 0px 156px 0px 0px;
background-image: url(http://libweb/Image-Lib/band3.gif);
background-color: #336699;

This works only if the page being served is in fact on the server 
"libweb" - if the page is on a different server, such as "libweb2", Mac 
Mozilla will not display the background image referenced. The 
background-color and margin tags are obeyed - but not the reference to a 
remote image.

The other broken method is when a page includes the following code via a 
server-side include:

<div id="labbanner">
<div id="lablogo">
<img src="http://libweb/Image-Lib/banner4.jpg" alt="Lab banner" 
width="550" height="25" border="0">
<div id="labmap">
<img src="http://libweb/Image-Lib/navbar2.gif" alt="Lab Home" 
width="155" height="25" border="0" usemap="#Map">
<map name="Map" id="Map"><area shape="rect" coords="2,6,39,17" 
href="http://ll/" alt="Lab Home" title="Lab Home" target="_top"><area 
shape="rect" coords="115,6,154,17" href="http://ll/labservices.html" 
alt="Index of Services" title="Index of Services" target="_top"><area 
shape="rect" coords="52,6,102,17" href="http://ll/search.html" 
alt="Search" title="Search" target="_top"></map></div>

This breaks in the same way as the CSS statement above - if the page 
delivered is on the server "libweb" all is fine. If I'm using the same 
code and the page is served off another server, the images will not be 

Any help greatly appreciated.

Bobb Menk
Electronic Resources Librarian
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Library
bmenk at

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