[Web4lib] how to add a caption to a photo

Vicki Falkland rch.library at rch.org.au
Thu Dec 15 18:09:13 EST 2005

hi Petter,

you might find some ideas here:
http://www.mandarindesign.com/boxes.html (see "polaroid borders")

if there is more than one image, it might be more semantically correct to
mark them up as lists:


At 01:32 PM 15/12/2005 +0100, you wrote:
>Here is a simple question to which I hope there is a simple answer....
>When adding an image to a webpage, is their some easy way to add a small
>caption under the picture? One can of course put the picture in a table and
>include an extra row, into which one types the caption, but I should think
>an html editor (such as Dreamweaver 4, which I use) would have a window,
>similar to the "alt text" window, where one could conveniently add the
>caption text. I'm grateful for any suggestions!
>Petter Næss
>Information Resource Director
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