Google Scholar

Peter Murray Peter.Murray at
Wed Nov 24 19:14:58 EST 2004

On 11/24/04 1:51 PM, K.G. Schneider wrote:
> Another approach might be to ask, holistically (without forming a Task Force
> and having Many Meetings), just what we want Google Scholar to index and
> make available, and talk to them about it.

Agreed.  Without forming a Task Force or Committee, is there someone 
from Fedora development group, the dSpace Federation, or another body 
that (arguably) could be called upon to represent a large constituency 
to get the dialog started?  Has that already happened?

(In about two months it'll be more in my professional interest to help 
this along, but I'm in a bit of a transition at the moment...)

Peter Murray            
Assistant to the Director for Technology Initiatives  860-486-6771
University of Connecticut Libraries            Storrs, Connecticut
  PLEASE NOTE -- After December 17, 2004: ..... peter at

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