[WEB4LIB] Re: Yahoo Mail adds storage

Dobbs, Aaron DobbsA at apsu.edu
Tue Jun 15 13:26:08 EDT 2004

Well, it was a "nicer" place before it was invaded by "commercial interests" :-)'

However, it'd be an even nicer place with the commercial interests still around if less smarmy/scummy techniques were used to try to get people to buy things these people don't want and/or don't need.  Not to mention the useless crap most spamhauses churn out these days.

Personally speaking, if all advertising in emails (and, in a utopia, on webpages in general) were opt-in (and opt-in-able by subject/category/product/manufacturer/etc) the eyeball rates paid by advertisers could/would/should go up and a much better ROI would be likely for the advertiser.

The underlying problem remains this:  the current model (and arguably the model I described above, too) requires the recipients to (almost) directly subsidize the delivery of all indiscriminant advertisements.  Until the "business" cliamte changes on the web only proactive avoidance steps by people not wanting this crap will work.  

Recently I found a HOSTS file for my windows boxen that intercepts most of the pop-up ad urls are redirects them to a 404 error page.  Very handy l'il tool, here's the description & where to find it:

# This is an ad blocking hosts file compiled by
# Mike Skallas
# Available at http://everythingisnt.com/hosts.html
# Copyright 2004. Please do not redistribute, use above link.
# Free only for Residential use.


One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors
- Plato

-----Original Message-----
From: web4lib at webjunction.org
[mailto:web4lib at webjunction.org]On Behalf Of Drew, Bill
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 11:58 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [WEB4LIB] Re: Yahoo Mail adds storage

Can someone explain why such services as Yahoo Mail are so popular if they
do such evil things as insert ads to pay for their free service. Obviously
everyone is as smart as the critics of such things on this list and would
avoid them like the plague.  God forbid that a free service insert ads to
help pay for the free service.  Anyone would think that all of us want
private business to get off the internet.

Bill Drew

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