[WEB4LIB] Re: New search engine under development

bardsley at u.washington.edu bardsley at u.washington.edu
Fri Aug 13 14:00:55 EDT 2004

There is a lot of talk about the size of the logo on the site, which I agree is way too big. However, I can't believe no one has brought up the fact that the navigation buttons are different shades of blue and they change to different shades of blue with the mouse over. When you click a nav button there is no good way for the user to know it was clicked. In my opinion, the navigational situation on the web site is worse than the logo size.

- Mark

On Fri, 13 Aug 2004, Broun, Kevin (NIH/NCI) wrote:

> Trend or not, that's still a bad design decision. Personally, if I'm using a
> monitor with that much resolution, I expect to be able to view multiple
> windows, not have to maximize a browser window. And it's bad news from an
> accessibility standpoint. 
> Instead of trending toward 1024x768, let's hope designers trend toward
> XHTML, CSS, and liquid layouts, so their sites become more usable to more
> types of users, devices, resolutions, etc. 
> Kevin Broun
> Senior Web Developer
> National Cancer Institute

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