trouble w/ mandatory profile

Claire Rose crose at
Fri Oct 11 12:45:17 EDT 2002

We recently set up a lab with Windows 2000 server and 30 Windows 2000
clients and are having big time problems setting up a mandatory profile.
We want to prevent the public from saving changing, accessing the hard
drive or network and downloading. We are also using CybraryN.

-created a "labtest" profile on ws and configured all desktop, mouse,
Favorites menu etc. Set policies so that all changes are not saved at

- created and shared folder , with "read only" rights to "Everyone", on

- renamed ntuser.dat to on folder

Results opposite to intended. Now everything that users do is saved to
the profile--icons on desktop, documents, etc. I don't understand,
because it is set to "read only".  Not only that, any changes that we
try to make in the profile to fix the problem are NOT saved (we are
making the changed in admin first) We keep getting the ntuser.dat file

I don't think it is relevant, but CybraryN requires that we grant full
control to users for two files in the c:\winnt directory.

We are both very new to administrating a Windows network, so any light
that can be shed on this will be most appreciated.

Claire Rose
Peter White Public Library
Marquette, MI

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