[WEB4LIB] Re: Plugins and M

Andrew I. Mutch amutch at waterford.lib.mi.us
Fri Nov 15 13:02:02 EST 2002


I've had the same problem with Windows2000. Our public computers are
logged on as User and apparently the default permissions on the ActiveX
cache "Downloaded Program Files" don't allow the plugins to automatically
be detected. That's probably why it works on staff PCs and not on the
public ones. The problem is that you can't set permissions on the
directory, as far as I can tell. If you look at the properties for the
ActiveX controls for those files, you can see the dependent files
involved. It might be possible to loosen up the permissions on each of
those files and get it all to work. I haven't gone through the work of
trying that though. The other solution is to change the account to Power
User but I didn't want to go that route.

Please share the solution if you hear of one. 

Andrew Mutch
Library Systems Technician
Waterford Township Public Library
Waterford, MI

On Fri, 15 Nov 2002, Robin Boulton wrote:

> Sorry, I suspect the first attempt was probably unreadable...
> On a somewhat related note, we are having a Mr Sid problem with IE 5.5 and 
> 6. Every time you try to use the advanced viewer for the census data, it 
> prompts you to download it again. I have read the sparse information 
> available at lizardtech and at ancestry.com, but nothing has worked so far 
> ( the problem is only on the public machines running PWB and locked down 
> with Win2K policies - it does not happen on staff machines with the 
> same  OS). If anyone has a solution or even a suggestion, I would be happy 
> to hear it.
> TIA ,
> Robin
> At 06:21 PM 11/14/2002 -0800, Isabel Danforth wrote:
> >I have installed Mozilla on a computer for testing.  Our library subscirbes
> >to ancestry.com and they use the Mr.Sid plugin to view 1920 census
> >records.  When I attempt to install the lugin while using Mozilla, it
> >assumes that I wish to install the pluginn on my Metscape.
> >
> >Anyway have a method of installing it on Mozilla?
> >
> >Thanks.
> >
> >Isabel
> >
> >Isabel Danforth
> >danforth at alumni.tufts.edu

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