ALA Conference Program Announcement

Sieving, Pamela (OD/ORS) sievingp at
Thu May 30 16:00:07 EDT 2002


Please excuse cross-posting and please mark your calendar:

RUSA Machine-Assisted Reference Section presents:

Bringing Resources Together: The Digital Library Meets Google!

Sunday, June 16

10:30 am - Noon

Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC) Room A411

The multitude of databases, Web sites, and other information tools at 
people's fingertips is generating interest in super-discovery tools such as 
MetaLib, ENCompass, and WebFeat, which can search across and act as 
gateways to multiple databases.

* 	How well do they interpret the mix of results?
* 	Do they simplify the research environment?
* 	How well do users succeed with them?
* 	What kind of visual clues and cues can be built in to help users?

Program speakers explore the possibilities and pitfalls of these new

Keynote: "The Search for the Holy Grail: Why One-Stop Searching is Both 
Essential and Hopeless"
Roy Tennant (California Digital Library)

"Enhancing Resource Discovery and Access: MetaLib and SFX at the Boston 
College Libraries"
Bob Gerrity and Theresa Lyman (Boston College Libraries)

"Cool Web Tool: One Interface, Many Databases"
Jennifer Lucas, Jed Moffitt and Meg Rheingold, (King County Public Library)

Pam Sieving

Pamela C. Sieving, MA, MS
Biomedical Librarian/Informationist
National Institutes of Health Library
10 Center Drive  msc 1150   room 1L09G
Bethesda, Maryland 20892   USA

301 451-5862 phone
301 402-0254 fax
pamsieving at

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