Anyone use CybraryN w/Dynix?

Claire Rose crose at
Mon Jul 1 16:36:06 EDT 2002

(excuse cross posting)
Does anyone use the product CybraryN? We purchased it to manage our
public computers, but we cannot get it to "talk" to Dynix. We want to
use Remote Patron Authentication so that we don't have to sign people up
for computers anymore. I am so frustrated. We seem to have everything
together except one item. On the Dynix RPA Setup, we are asked to input
the "Dynix RPA Verification Key". This is NOT the same as the RPA Login
Site. We have called Cybraryn and Epitech to no avail. Can anyone shed
some light on this? Thank you.

Claire Rose
Peter White Public Library
Marquette, MI

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