[WEB4LIB] Re: Virus/Worm alert re: new photos from my

Roy Tennant roy.tennant at ucop.edu
Mon Jan 28 21:01:33 EST 2002

The attachment made it through because it was not a multipart message -- 
the attachment had been uuencoded, which turns a binary into an ASCII 
file, and appended to the message.  We are looking into ways to filter 
those out as well.

On Monday, January 28, 2002, at 05:29 PM, Isabel Danforth wrote:

> I was suprised to see the file attached to a post to WEB4LIB.  I thought
> that the mail list rejected attachments.  Can someone explain that to 
> me?
> Isabel
> At 12:52 PM 1/28/2002 -0800, SSbauschard2 at aol.com wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I think I may have been the reluctant transmitter of this virus. I 
>> usually
>> do not open such things, but I have a friend who is Korean whose last 
>> name
>> is Choi and who recently had a party.  Those are the username, the 
>> country
>> name, and the message title, so I opened it.  She said she originally
>> opened it because she thought it was photos from a party her friend 
>> sent her!
>> I apologize for any convienance. Updated McAfee seems to have solved my
>> problem.  My understanding is that this virus is flying around the 
>> world.
>> Sorry for any problems this may have caused,
>> Stefan Bauschard
>> Terrorism Library

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