Two interesting articles dealing with viruses and I

Peter Murray PMurray at
Wed Oct 3 14:24:55 EDT 2001

Actually (in case anyone is taking your suggestion seriously), that would 
still be considered a "worm" (although a beneficial worm) under current 
law and the author would be subject to prosecution.  I read a report of 
someone writing a Code Red variant to patch the IIS holes, but that author 
was being sought as well.  Even though it is for "good" such a worm is 
still unauthorized access to systems, use of computational resources, and 
altering systems.


(Not a lawyer, just an interested party.)

--On Wednesday, October 3, 2001 9:16 AM -0700 Bill Teschek 
<bteschek at> wrote:

> Maybe Microsoft should hire some of these clever virus-makers and put
> them  to work on a "Patch" virus that would distribute itself around the
> net looking  for unpatched versions of IIS, IE or Outlook and fixing
> them automatically.  ;->

Peter Murray, Computer Services Librarian              W: 860-570-5233
University of Connecticut Law School             Hartford, Connecticut

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