[WEB4LIB] Re: Computers in Libraries

latham1 latham1 at students.uiuc.edu
Tue Mar 20 15:26:11 EST 2001

Ahh, Cana -- da!


>===== Original Message From roy.tennant at ucop.edu =====
>I was about to post about the Access conference in Canada when I saw
>that Walt beat me to it. It is presently the conference I go to when
>I want to hear talks at a technical level that makes sense for me.
>And since you're hob-nobbing with a bunch of systems librarians as
>well as luminaries like Clifford Lynch and Tim Bray, you never know
>what kind of wild scheme you'll hatch over your favorite beverage.

J.M. Latham
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
University of Illinois -- Urbana Champaign
latham1 at students.uiuc.edu

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