[WEB4LIB] Free Britannica Going Away

Daniel Messer dmesser at yvrls.lib.wa.us
Thu Mar 15 11:08:15 EST 2001

That doesn't surprise me at all. From what I've been reading recently, 
Internet advertising, especially banner ads on websties are proving to be a 
flop. Companies that advertise aren't getting a decent return for their money 
from banner ads and thus pulling their money from the companies that design 
and distribute banner ads. From what I gather you can expect a LOT of sites, 
library related or not, to start going to members only. This may even include 
the free internet providers who rely on banner ads.


Thomas Dowling <tdowling at ohiolink.edu> said:

> <URL:http://www.computerworld.com/cwi/story/0,1199,NAV47_NLTam_STO58603,00
> .html> reports that britannica.com is shutting down free, ad-supported
> access to the Encyclopaedia Britannica.  If I weren't busy with my NCAA
> brackets, I'd organize a betting pool on what other ad-supported,
> library-related sites would go next.

The subject in question...
Daniel Messer
Technologies Instructor
Yakima Valley Regional Library
dmesser at yvrls.lib.wa.us
509-452-8541 ext 712
102 N 3rd St  Yakima, WA  98901
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
                                         -Hunter S. Thompson

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