HTML Editors

Terry Brennan tbrennan at
Sun Jul 8 19:08:24 EDT 2001

Hi All

My two cents' worth: 

* As a basic free editor, it's hard to beat CuteHTML - color-coded, intuitive, a few nice little short cuts and time-savers built in, but doesn't take you far away from real HTML.
* HomeSite is just unbeatable as a fancy but no-nonsense editor. Creates perfect HTML (which it keeps in front of you all the time, cos it's not WYSIWIG), highly customisable, speeds up / automates all of your main activities, powerful site-wide global editing features, etc etc ... .Faultless
* DW is excellent as a WYSIWIG editor. No HTML to clean up (a bit funny with <p> tags, sometimes, but you can live with it). Expecially good for fast creation and editing of complex tables. Also very each to teach to non-HTML staff who you need to be able to contribute safely and simply to your site, but without sending them down the complex HTML route.
* My preferred combination? DW + HomeSite in combination. If I need to think my way thru it, then I use HomeSite; if I need to do it without thinking, DW. 
(Away from my own desk, Cute / Notepad will do fine, but I'll avoid complex table work, having become lazy and spoiled by DW! :) )

Terry Brennan
Education Resource Centre
University of Melbourne
Parkville Vic 3010
Tel: 61 3 8344 8315
Fax: 61 3 9347 0974

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