[WEB4LIB] Re: Setting Default Printers for NT Workstations

Dobbs, Aaron DobbsA at apsu.edu
Wed Feb 28 14:20:14 EST 2001

An easy way (if you have NT servers) is to set up a server as a print 
server.  Point all workstations to the print server and define 
printers at the server.  (the only drawback is you have to change the 
printer setting each time you re-image the machine from a default image)
If you want to get fancy (and avoid the reconfig noted above) you could 
define which printer on the server in the machine profile on the PDC.  
This is (to me) the easiest and cheapest way.
(assuming you already have the server)


-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Gambrell [mailto:cbgamb at acan.net]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 7:56 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [WEB4LIB] Re: Setting Default Printers for NT Workstations

Look at con2prt.exe.  It can be scripted to attach to a network 
printer.  We do it at the logon script.  con2prt.exe resides in the path on 
the local workstation.  Also allows you to attach more than one printer, 
pick a default printer from several attached, and if a printer goes out of 
service, change the script and direct to a new printer.

At 05:39 AM 2/28/2001 -0800, Edwards Teresa wrote:
>To provide students the least confusing print options when they are in the
>library, we're looking at setting a default printer for our NT workstations
>by using a program (scripting language) on the local drive. If you have
>found a way to do this, we would be grateful to know how you did it.
>The goal is to set all the workstations on each floor to default to the
>printstation on the same floor. It will reduce the frustration of "the case
>of the disappearing research." Our IT colleagues are considering various
>options but lean towards this one.
>With thanks in advance,
>Teresa Edwards
>Assoc. Dean of University Libraries for Systems
>St. John's University
>8000 Utopia Parkway
>Jamaica, NY 11439
>718.990.6066                      Fax: 718.990.2074
>edwardst at stjohns.edu

Charles B. Gambrell
System Automation Assistant Manager

Mobile Public Library
701 Government Street
Mobile, AL 36602-1499

Voice: 334.208.7095
Fax: 334.208.7618
email: cbgamb at acan.net.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
-- Clarke's Third Law, Arthur C. Clarke

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