Google News -> Usenet archive completion

Peter Murray PMurray at
Thu Dec 13 09:08:05 EST 2001

Oh, geez -- I had forgotten about the Simtel20 server.  What a beast that 

Quite humbling to go back and look at postings from past e-mail addresses. 
How many naive questions can one ask?  It gives me a new perspective (or 
rather, refreshes an old perspective) on those who are just coming to the 
Internet now.


--On Wednesday, December 12, 2001 3:13 PM -0800 Peter Scott 
<scottp at> wrote:

> Remember this?
> Announcing HYTELNET....get instant access to to Telnet addresses:

Peter Murray, Computer Services Librarian              W: 860-570-5233
University of Connecticut Law School             Hartford, Connecticut

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