[WEB4LIB] Patron Internet Machines

Andrew I. Mutch amutch at waterford.lib.mi.us
Tue Sep 12 12:43:09 EDT 2000

Assessing what exactly the problem is requires a lot more information such

What OS are you using?
What version of Navigator are you using?
What is the bandwidth of your Internet connection?
How many workstations are accessing the Internet?
How is your internal network arranged?

All kinds of things could be at work.  Maybe the "Internet is down" - if
you run enough traffic over a connection, you can bog it down, internally
and externally.  Is the Internet traffic being routed over the same
network with CD products?  If your connection can't handle the traffic,
moving to a Terminal Server environment is going to correct that problem.  

Andrew Mutch
Library Systems Technician
Waterford Township Public Library
Waterford, MI

On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, Tasmin R. Nyaforh wrote:

> I want to find out if any libraries are having consistent problems with
> their patron Internet machines.  It seems as if the stations are constantly
> locking up and we hear many grumbles from patrons and staff about the
> Internet being down.
> We are currently using Compaq computers with 128 MB of RAM.  The only
> program we are allowing access to is Netscape Navigator.  We also use Full
> Control or Winselect on the Internet stations for security.    I know that
> the security software creates an extra burden on memory, but it would be
> nice to have up time to be consistent. We are thinking about migrating to a
> thin client environment to contain the problem. 
> I am wondering if anyone else is having problems with keeping Internet
> Stations up and running and what solutions have you found to rectify the
> problem.
> Thanks!
> trn
> .......
> Tasmin R. Nyaforh
> Technology Coordinator
> Lawrence Public Library
> 707 Vermont Street
> Lawrence, KS 66044
> 785-843-3833, ext. 106
> 785-843-3833, ext. 124 (voice)

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