Netscape Communicator 4.75

Chizuko Kawamoto ckawamoto at
Tue Oct 3 14:35:16 EDT 2000

I posted this message earlier and some people had the same problem.

Since I started using Communicator 4.75, I cannot search some database sites.  Instead of executing my search, the browser tries to download.  I don't have the problem with earlier version of Netscape or current Internet Explorer.  For example, I have the problem at  If you are using 4.75, would you please let me know if you have the same problem?

Our IT staff told me to uninstall Netscape SmartDownload.  I did and now I can search ARB's catalog, although I still don't know why the catalog is incompatible with SmartDownload in Communicator 4.75 environment.

Chizuko Kawamoto, Supervising Librarian
CA Dept. of Pesticide Regulation
830 K Street
Sacramento, CA 95814-1530
Phone: 916-324-3556
FAX: 916-324-1719
E-mail: ckawamoto at

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