[WEB4LIB] Re: DOCTYPE declaration for invalid page

Eric Hellman eric at openly.com
Thu Nov 2 11:34:05 EST 2000

Interesting. Perhaps the IE5/98 browser is confused by the bad syntax 
and decides to  encode the "#"

Did you try the syntactically correct code:
  <a href="modify.cfm?id1=value1&amp;id2=value2#form">


At 7:48 AM -0800 11/2/00, Kevin Sullivan wrote:
>This brings up another issue. When developing an interface for staff to
>update a database, I was using a construction similar to the following
>to pull up the appropriate record and drop them down to the next input
>   <a href="modify.cfm?id1=value1&id2=value2#form">
>My test worked great on NN4 and IE5 on Win2K, but a coworker's IE5 on
>Win98 was passing the value of id2 as value2#form (this was confirmed
>using CF debug). The numeric value of id2 was safe, strangely, and the
>correct record was retrieved; but, the browser would not honor the
>anchor reference. So, I put in another ampersand to separate the anchor
>   <a href="modify.cfm?id1=value1&id2=value2&#form">
>Finally, all 4 browser/platform configurations were appeased. Any
>Kevin Sullivan
>Internet Systems Manager
>Mid-Continent Public Library
>mailto:web at mcpl.lib.mo.us

Eric Hellman
Openly Informatics, Inc.
http://www.openly.com/           21st Century Information Infrastructure
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