[WEB4LIB] RE: Hi, (2 monitor question)

Roy Tennant rtennant at library.berkeley.edu
Tue Mar 7 10:13:01 EST 2000

Not bad, but I would suggest getting a Mac G4 with lots of RAM and hard
disk space and run Virtual PC. That way you get the two main platforms
that people use (comparatively, not too many people surf the net using
Linux) and you don't waste a lot of time comparing things that probably
don't differ much (the many flavors of windows). The icing on the cake is
that no reboot is necessary, a control-key combination flips you back and
forth between Windows and Mac. 

Or, hunt down a cast-off computer and have a second one around to do the
checking. My rallying cry is "Two CPUs for every desk!". I actually think
two is too few, but you have to start somewhere.

On Tue, 7 Mar 2000, Stephen, Mathew wrote:

> 	Windows 98 allows you to have two separate computer monitors hooked
> up to the same computer.  You will also need to put in another video card.
> If your not using Windows 98 (I have to use NT at work), then you may have
> troubles.  
> 	What I would suggest as an alternative, and what I'm planning on
> doing myself, is getting another computer, which can be an older computer,
> and using it to check the page.  My second computer will be a 'dual boot'
> machine (using software such as Partition Magic).  I will  install several
> different operating systems such as Windows 95, Windows 98, NT, Linux, etc..
> I will also be putting different versions of browsers on the machine.  For
> example IE 4 and IE 5.  They say you should design your website so that it
> will be compatible with at least the last two generations of browsers.  Then
> I should be able to test the new site to see how compatible it will be with
> various browsers and operating systems.  
> 	I can also use the second computer to dial in to check the proxy
> software (Ezproxy) to make sure that our protected materials such as
> Journals and Databases will work for students calling in off campus.  
> 			Mathew Stephen
> 			Mississippi State University
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Yvonne Reynolds [mailto:Reynolds at nbict.nbi.ac.za]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 8:18 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: [WEB4LIB] Hi,
> Hi,
> Does anyone have  2 monitors attached to the computer they use to design
> their web site?   I am sure I have heard of this before and I would like to
> set up 2 with differing cards and screen resolutions so I can see at a
> glance what pages will look like on differing monitors.  Our IT Dept seem
> horrified by this.
> Has anyone tried this?   What particular problems are there or obstacles to
> be overcome?
> Yvonne
> PS earlier today I posted a query relating to an image map which was
> breaking up.  I solved it by recreating the map-  it now works  - must have
> become corrupted.
> Yvonne Reynolds
> Web site Manager/ Librarian
> National Botanical Institute
> Kirstenbosch.
> P/Bag x 7, Claremont 7735, South Africa
> Tel +27 21 762 1166
> Fax +27 762 0646
> email: reynolds at nbict.nbi.ac.za
> http://www.nbi.ac.za

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