[WEB4LIB] How do you list all of the electronic journals?

Richard Stringer-Hye Stringer at LIBRARY.Vanderbilt.edu
Wed Jun 28 15:39:54 EDT 2000

We gave up the static list awhile ago and moved to generating the 
dynamic alpha list (with title keyword searching) using Inmagic's 
DB/TextWorks/WebPublisher database and server software combo. We're 
soon moving toward extracting the data fields we want to display from the 
OPAC and loading them into the database. 

These days, with 4500 titles or so in the database, and librarians and 
patrons wanting more bibliographic/holdings info displayed on the alpha list, I 
sometimes wonder if we should never have offered a separate alpha list 
outside of the catalog, but we've always had print versions in the library and 
that's what our users like so...it's too late to go back now, though I''ve 
noticed that some libraries have. 

How has it worked out for those of you that have?


Date sent:      	Wed, 28 Jun 2000 08:57:21 -0700 (PDT)
Send reply to:  	GEM at CDRH.FDA.GOV
From:           	"Masters, Gary E" <GEM at CDRH.FDA.GOV>
To:             	Multiple recipients of list <web4lib at webjunction.org>
Subject:        	[WEB4LIB] How do you list all of the electronic journals?

> We have both electronic (full text) journals that we subscribe to
> individually or get with paper subscriptions and those that come in a
> package (ScienceDirect, Dialog and Highwire to name a few) and want one
> listing of all of our journals.  We don't know if (or even how) we can list
> all of the titles.  Our solution is to list the group list as one entry, but
> think it would be better if someone could enter a title and see if we have
> access to it.  I guess we could list all of the individual titles in Dialog
> Select - but they will change and then we have more work to do.
> What is the common practice here?
> Also, I have some "mouse over" icons that we like, but the Boss thinks the
> shift from image to text is too abrupt.  Is there a way to slow or "smooth"
> the change?
> Just a pointer in the right direction or web site will be enough.  Or even
> to know that there is not a solution would be a help.
> Thanks,
> Gary  
> Gary E. Masters
> Librarian (Systems)
> (301) 827-6893 

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