[WEB4LIB] Proxy Server vs. URL Rewriter for Authentication

Tim Bucknall tim_bucknall at uncg.edu
Mon Jan 24 10:00:21 EST 2000

 At UNCG, we used a proxy server (MS Proxy) for about 9 
 months. A lot of people had trouble with the browser 
 reconfiguration and the Reference Dept was going crazy 
 trying to provide support. So we decided to migrate to EZ 
 Proxy a couple of months ago so that we could eliminate 
the  browser reconfig. We've been very happy with EZ Proxy 
 overall, but there is one significant issue.
 You must enter EVERY unique URL that you directly link to 
 (and for which you want to provide validation via EZ 
Proxy) in a config file. This works OK for databases, but 
isn't really practical for linking directly to the title 
level for ejournals. For example, if we wanted to link 
directly to thousands of Lexis-Nexis titles, then each 
would have unique URL and we'd have to enter thousands of 
URL's in the EZ Proxy config. With a regular proxy server, 
you don't have this problem becuase you can simply enter a 
single domain like lexis-nexis.com
 But, in our experience, the shortcoming regarding 
ejournals is more than made up for by the elimination of 
client-side browser configuration. We consider our EZ Proxy 
 implementation a success.
> On Fri, 21 Jan 2000 16:12:25 -0800 (PST) Sherry Crowther 
> <sherry.crowther at rdc.ab.ca> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi - We are planning to offer remote access to our web databases and 
> > I'm trying to decide between setting up a proxy server or using the 
> > EZproxy URL Rewriter product.  I've already received some glowing 
> > recommendations of EZproxy from members of this list, thanks.
> > 
> > Before we proceed, I'd like to ask, what are the advantages of using a 
> > proxy server over EZproxy?
> > 
> > I'd appreciate any help you can provide, thank you!
> > 
> > ----------------------------------------
> > Sherry Crowther
> > Web Services Librarian
> > Red Deer College
> > Alberta, Canada
> > Email: sherry.crowther at rdc.ab.ca
> ----------------------
> Tim Bucknall
> bucknall at uncg.edu

Tim Bucknall
bucknall at uncg.edu

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