[WEB4LIB] Netscape location bar

Jason M. Biggers biggerj at scfn.thpl.lib.fl.us
Sat Jan 15 15:12:01 EST 2000

We have a similiar set-up at Tampa in as much as the user sits down at an
Internet workstation and the first thing the are confronted with is our
Internet Access Policy.

If they say yes, they are taken to a "search" page that has a lot of
resources including an "Enter your web address" feature (JavaScript).

If they say no, Netscape closes and they are returned to the desktop.

The whole catch here is the "Location Bar" is NEVER accessible to the

This setup of course builds on other PC security features etc.

If users must have the Netscape toolbar, you could launch two windows. One
window with your policy, if the user accepts another window is spawned
that does have the toolbar.

We found our PCs just didn't like the spawning so we opted for what I
mentioned above.

Our setup is Win95 PCs / WinSELSECT / Prayers

On Thu, 13 Jan 2000, Catherine Presant wrote:

> Perhaps this question has been asked before, so...sorry in advance for the
> repetition!
> Does anyone out there have a script they would like to share which involves
> modifying the Netscape program so that the menu, icon, and location bars do
> not show on the Policy Screen before public access the Web?  We have NT
> workstation with sp5, policy editor, and WinSelect to lock down most of the
> desktop functions, but they're still able to enter any website address in
> the locaton bar before accepting our policy (this is what we'd like to fix!)
> I'm not a programmer, so, hopefully the script doesn't require a lot of
> programming skills.  We don't have any programming software in the library,
> so if I do need one, please suggest a good and simple one to use.
> Many thanks in advance.
> Catherine
> Catherine Presant
> Coordinator of Information Services
> Clarington Public Library
> claring at clarington.library.on.ca

    * Jason Mark Biggers, M.L.S.        |     biggerj at scfn.thpl.lib.fl.us *
    *    Principal Librarian            |             813-224-8496        *   
    *                                                                     *
    *                 Electronic Reference & Information                  *
    *           Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System           *
    *              http://scfn.thpl.lib.fl.us/thpl/thpl.htm               *

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