[WEB4LIB] Netscape crashes in Windows - solutions?

Dan Robinson Indexing Services drobinson at info.hwwilson.com
Thu Jan 13 08:58:36 EST 2000

Yes, upgrade to 4.7 .  So far I've had one crash after a month, and 
that was during a Java program. 4.6/4.61 used to crash regularly.  
I'm using win95 with 32 meg ram and 166 mmx. (it's old <grin>, but 
it works). 

Dan Robinson
drobinson at hwwilson.com 

On 12 Jan 00, at 14:33, Gary E. Masters wrote:

> For some time now, Netscape Communicator4.61 has been crashing on my 
> Windows 98 (second edition) workstation.  It is a Dell dimension with 96 
> meg of ram, so I don't think it is memory.  When it happens, I get a 
> message "this program has performed an illegal operation" or something like 
> that, it will not work until I reboot the system.
> I have been putting up with this, but others have had the same problem and 
> have asked me how to fix it.  Can anyone suggest what to do?
> Upgrade?
> Thanks,
> Gary Masters
> Gary E. Masters
> Automated Services Librarian
> (956) 326-2137 (office)
> (956)326-2399 
> (fax)

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