[WEB4LIB] Ranganathan Thread

Roy Tennant roy.tennant at ucop.edu
Thu Aug 10 12:02:23 EDT 2000

At 8:31 AM -0700 8/10/00, Jerry_Stephens at ca10.uscourts.gov wrote (in part):
>      Maybe this is where Ranganath can be rewritten to be a little more
>      modern. Perhaps his fifth law -- "a library is a growing organism" --
>      ought to be the first law. Then the library becomes to the information
>      world conceptually somewhat like the First Amendment is to the U.S.
>      Constitution: one of the bedrock principles that defines our
>      relationship with everything else.

Actually, Walt Crawford and Michael Gorman have already taken a stab 
at coming up with the Five *New* Laws of Library Science, in their 
book Future Libraries: Dreams, Madness and Reality, which you can 
compare to Ranganathan's at:



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