Which Netscape for testing?

Robert Sullivan SCP_SULLI at sals.edu
Tue Aug 8 16:34:23 EDT 2000

While we're on the subject of Netscape...

I would like to test my pages with Netscape.  We use Internet Explorer 5.01
(moving to 5.5) and I haven't paid much attention to Netscape since version 2
because I have been writing for VT terminals.

I'd like to see how my tables look, but do I want NS 4.08 or 4.74?  I don't
need any exotic functions, but should I go with the later version?

My other question is, is there anything I need to set so NS and IE don't fight
with each other?

Thanks for any advice.

Bob Sullivan                               scp_sulli at sals.edu
Schenectady County Public Library (NY)     http://www.scpl.org

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