steven.cramer at duke.edu steven.cramer at duke.edu
Thu Sep 2 12:42:11 EDT 1999

Ah, here is the complete poll (939 U.S. adults polled by telephone):

Where do you normally obtain the books you read?

Bookstore                     - 54%

Library                       - 33

Friends/Family                - 22

2nd hand book store           -  6

Department/Discount store     -  9

Internet                      -  2

Book club                     -  6

Supermarket                   -  4

News stand                    -  1

Airport gift shop             -  1

Specialty/Gift shop           -  1

Garage/Yard sale              -  4

Other                         -  3

Don't know                    -  1

Steve Cramer
Reference Librarian
Perkins Library, Duke University
Durham, NC USA
steven.cramer at duke.edu

What percentage obtain the books they read at the public library?


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