[WEB4LIB] Apache Config Question

Darryl Friesen Darryl.Friesen at usask.ca
Fri Sep 17 13:07:50 EDT 1999

> Does anyone know what Apache uses as the default DocumentRoot if none is

I don't think you can _count_ on it being anything. It _might_ be
/usr/local/apache/htdocs.  Might also be whatever the install directory was
specified as when apache was built.

But why wouldn't it be set?  There's a few things in the httpd.conf file
that really should be set, and that's one of them.

- Darryl

  Darryl Friesen, B.Sc.                        Darryl.Friesen at usask.ca
  Programmer/Analyst                            http://gollum.usask.ca/
  Consulting & Development, Computing Services
  University of Saskatchewan                   "The Truth Is Out There"

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