[WEB4LIB] Re: Netscape problem

Andrew I. Mutch amutch at waterford.lib.mi.us
Tue Nov 23 13:15:10 EST 1999

I was going to ask what version of Netscape is in use at the library.
In my experience, some of the older version 4.x browsers of Netscape have
buggy Java machines that can cause odd behavior.  If you are not using
version 4.08, I would try upgrading to see if this helps the problem.   I
wouldn't at all be surprised if Fortres is part of the problem here too.

Andrew Mutch
Library Systems Technician
Waterford Township Public Library
Waterford, MI

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Peter Jorgensen wrote:

> On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Jane Ratner wrote:
> > We have also noted that often this happens after a machine has been used
> > for "chatting" and have wondered if there is a javascript connection.
> And Brian Westra wrote:
> > Peter, sorry if this isn't much help, but I recall this happening on a few
> > occasions, and it seemed to be fixed by disabling then re-enabling Java
> > and Javascript (since I guessed that one or the other was causing the
> > problem).
> This is an interesting idea -- I suppose it could be 
> Java/Javascript-related.  If this is the case, we'll still have problems 
> with the public computers since changing the Preferences is blocked by 
> Fortres and not all staff are able to get around it.  Even our computer 
> tech person is not SUPPOSED to be able to get around Fortres (don't ask: 
> it's politics, and another whole tangled issue) though in fact he does.
> Peter Jorgensen
> Reference Department, Lincoln City Libraries
> Lincoln, Nebraska
> peterj at rand.lcl.lib.ne.us

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