Position Announcement - Digital Libraries Services - Oklahoma State University

prestam at Okstate.edu prestam at Okstate.edu
Fri May 7 13:35:01 EDT 1999

Please excuse the cross-posting.  Feel free to forward this announcement to
other lists.  If you do forward the announcement, please notify Anne Prestamo
(prestam at okstate.edu)  Thanks.

Oklahoma State University is a land grant university with an enrollment of
26,000 students on four campuses offering 44 doctoral degree programs.  The
Library, with holdings of more than 2.6 million volumes and documents, is a
member of the Association of Research Libraries and the Digital Library Services
unit is a newly created unit that facilitates access to electronic information,
print materials, and library services to insure that the information needs of
OSU students, faculty, and staff are met, regardless of their location.  This
mission is accomplished through the use of state of the art technologies,
library instruction, and document delivery services.  The advertised position
will be the second professional position in the unit.  It is anticipated that
additional staff will be allocated to the unit in the near future.

RESPONSIBILITIES:  Provide assistance to students and faculty accessing Library
resources remotely including helping with telecommunication and network
connections.  Answer reference questions received via email, website or
telephone.   Develop remote access guides and instructional materials in print
and Web formats.  Work with faculty teaching classes to off-site students to
provide appropriate library instruction to those students and to help faculty
develop class assignments using library resources.  Utilize a variety of
technology based methods to deliver library instruction to off-site students
including an introductory library science class.  Serve as Web Editor of the
Library Website. May work three to four hours per week at one of the Library's
Reference Desks.

QUALIFICATIONS:  Required:  ALA-MLS.  Must demonstrate the following:  strong,
effective reference and library instruction skills; the ability to interact with
the public in a friendly manner; excellent communication and organization
skills; knowledge of HTML; experience creating Websites; excellent interpersonal
and collaborative skills; commitment and experience providing user-centered
services; technical knowlege of computers, operating systems, and network
communications; ability to work effectively with faculty, students and
administrators in a service-focused operation.  Desired:  Two years post-MLS
experience providing reference services in an academic or large public library;
active participation in state or national professional organizations.

SALARY: $31,500 for 11 months.  Salary and academic rank dependent upon
qualifications and prior experience. BENEFITS:  Social security; free health,
accident and life insurance; retirement benefits available under state system
and TIAA/CREF (some restrictions); 11 holidays; 22 days of sick leave per year.
Opportunity to work towards advanced degree.  DEADLINE: Application review
begins on June 21, and continues until position is filled.   Anticipated start
date: September 1, 1999.

APPLICATION:Send cover letter, resume, and names and addresses of three
professional references (including current supervisor) to:  Ms. Jackie German,
Administrative Officer, Edmon Low Library, Oklahoma State University.
Stillwater, OK 74078-1071.  (405) 744-6324.   EMail:  jlg4962 at okway.okstate.edu
For additional information see the Library
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