Evaluating Network Reosurces, May 23-36

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Fri Mar 19 15:24:03 EST 1999

Please excuse multiple postings.  For complete information, see
http://www.asis.org/Conferences/MY99/ or contact meetings at asis.org.

Evaluating and Using Networked Information Resources and Services
ASIS Mid-Year Meeting
May 23-26, 1999 
Pasadena Hilton, Pasadena, CA 

USE: Who uses networked  resources and why?  What is "successful use?"
Does culture affect use? 

EVALUATION: Why is ongoing evaluation and assessment  important?  What
evaluation methods work in the networked environment?  What hinders
successful evaluation? 

MEASUREMENT:  What should be measured?  Are performance measures and
quality standards appropriate?  How do we insure quality of data?  

THEORY: What models do or can describe and predict use? Are new types of
conceptual underpinnings needed?

TECHNOLOGY: Do technological advances - log files, authentication,
security, privacy, etc., affect use studies and evaluation research? 

SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS AND IMPACTS: Will the  networked environment create
social divisions? What are the impacts of equal (or unequal) access to

EDUCATION: What kind of training can develop evaluation  techniques?  How
can evaluation inform policy, management, and others? 

POLICY: Do national/local/organizational policies affect use & evaluation?
What policies might improve use and evaluation? How do politics affect

SUNDAY, May 23, 1999: 6:00-7:00 p.m. KEYNOTE ADDRESS: CLIFFORD LYNCH,
Coalition for Networked Information

* CNRI's D-Lib Working Group on Digital Library Metrics & D-Lib Test Suite
* Performance Measures
* Authentication and Authorization
* A Neural NET Method for Log Data Analysis
* Using Electronic Surveys
* Making Internet Information More Verifiable
* Query Characteristics and Use Analysis
* Quantitative User Studies
* Web-based Course Delivery
* Access to Visual Information
* Visualization System for IR
* Evaluating User Needs and Outcomes
* Next Z39.50 Implementation
* "Provider" Methods for Evaluating NET Interfaces
* Evaluating Web Sites and Site Evaluation Tools
* Measuring & Evaluating Federated Digital Libraries
* Evaluation of a Common Command Language Gateway

Pre-conference Seminars:
+  Digital Lib: Computer Concepts & Technologies
+ 2nd Generation Intranet Development
+  Metadata for Digital Libraries 

American Society for Information Science
8720 Georgia Avenue, Suite 501
Silver Spring, MD  20910
(301) 495-0900	FAX (301) 495-0810

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