[WEB4LIB] Communicator for Macintosh

Christopher Handy charta at inetdirect.net
Tue Feb 2 21:22:20 EST 1999

On 2/2/99, Andrew Mutch wrote:

|>I'm curious if anyone out there has successfully run Communicator or
|>Navigator 4.x for Macinotsh in "kiosk" mode??  There is some documentation
|>on the Netscape site that states that there is no such mode for version
|>4.x.  However, this tech note dates back from 1997.  I'm specifically
|>interested in persons using javascript to open a new window with modified
|>toolbars, menubars, etc.

I believe Netscape dropped support for kiosk mode on the Mac (which was
never very good) beginning with Navigator 4.x, although some of the
functionality of this feature still remains. I can't now recall the key
combination that invokes it, but executing a simple Applescript like this
should serve the same purpose:

tell application "Navigator" --or whatever it's called on your system
  set kiosk mode to 1
end tell

Unfortunately, the limitations of the current kiosk implementation will
quickly become apparent to you.

I guess I'm not very clear on the connection between JavaScript and
Netscape's kiosk function, but JavaScript support on the Mac version of
Navigator is ok. Which is to say that you can certainly set the toolbar and
menubar options when you open a new window object.

Chris Handy
<mailto:charta at inetdirect.net>
Indianapolis, IN

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