[WEB4LIB] soundex

Darryl Friesen Darryl.Friesen at usask.ca
Thu Dec 2 10:33:28 EST 1999

> The only search engine that I know of that will do soundex searching is
> the LiveLink product from the OpenText corporation.  That's not really an
> option anymore for most of us.  Starting with version 8 of the LiveLink
> product, OpenText has been pursuing the large corporation Intranet market.
> The product is priced way beyond most libraries' ability to afford it.

I've just recently installed ht://Dig (www.htdig.org).  Not only will it do
soundex, but metaphone (which I assume is something akin to soundex), common
word endings, and synonyms for search terms.

Plus, it's free.

- Darryl

  Darryl Friesen, B.Sc.                        Darryl.Friesen at usask.ca
  Programmer/Analyst                            http://gollum.usask.ca/
  Consulting & Development, Computing Services
  University of Saskatchewan                   "The Truth Is Out There"

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