[WEB4LIB] security programs

James Cayz cayz at lib.de.us
Mon Apr 5 01:49:58 EDT 1999

On Wed, 31 Mar 1999, Luck, Deanne wrote:
>I'm preparing for a presentation on securing public access computers in
>which I'll briefly describe the commercial programs available for this
>purpose.  I'm interested in knowing if anyone uses (and likes) programs
>other than those listed below.
>DeAnne Luck
>Electronic Resources Librarian
>Austin Peay State University
>LuckDL at apsu.edu


What works for one may or may not work for another.  I am rolling out a
package that consists of Win95(98), WinSelect & Policy, WinU, *and*
Netscape Security Certificates.

Starting from the beginning, I needed something where the user was locked
onto a browser window and couldn't move.  No Toolbars, no nothing.  So,
using a security certificate to dynamically modify the browser, the user
starts up with a "blank screen" and has to either enter a valid barcode &
PIN (which are remote validated & logged), or quit.

Then, I discovered that having a form to enter a barcode / PIN allowed the
user to use control keys.  Control-X, C, V, I didn't care about. Control-N
and Control-O, even though the menues were turned off, still gave the user
a new netscape window or the ability to open any page.  Small problem.

So I use WinSelect (or was it the Policy side) to turn off those control
keys, as well as turning off all access to the security / preferences /
location bar (except for http://, www., ftp:// and telnet;//).

I use the other half to secure the desktop & printers (no more 100 copies
of a printout).

And then I use WinU as a nice neat UI, with a timer / auto-kickout

I'll agree with what the others have said - having 3 layers of security is
a real pain when you have to get in and make changes, but it is plain as
day that our current choices in OSes leave a lot to be desired in
providing "kiosk" functionality.  Especially when we all want different
levels of capabilities enabled.

I played with Poledit, but it was the control-keys (I wanted some, but not
all) that kept tripping me up, until I got WinSelect.

That's my $0.02.

James Cayz

| James Cayz  #  cayz at lib.de.us #  DelAWARE homepage: http://www.lib.de.us |
| Network Processing Administrator #  302-739-4748 x130 # Fax 302-739-6948 |
| Delaware Division of Libraries # 43 S. DuPont Hwy / Dover, DE 19901-7430 |

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