[WEB4LIB] Communication between Librarian & Webmaster?

Bob Rasmussen ras at anzio.com
Wed Sep 16 11:07:48 EDT 1998

Topic ideas that come to mind, centered on the general idea that what
motivates "techies" is different from what motivates librarians, and written
by an avowed techie who has also worked in the real world:

* What's "cool" vs. what's useful
* "Feeling the pain" of downtime - while a techie may have a penchant for
experimentation, s/he needs to understand the costs of experiments that fail
* Metrics - what quantifiable measurements can be identified for the services
the tech is or should be delivering?
* Who works for whom? And who is the final "customer" - the board, the
administrator, the patron?

....Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.

personal e-mail: ras at anzio.com
 company e-mail: rsi at anzio.com or sales at anzio.com or support at anzio.com
 ftp://ftp.anzio.com               voice: 503-624-0360
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