FW: [WEB4LIB] Historical Romance, Saturday, September 19, 1998

Thomas Edelblute tedelblu at usiu.edu
Sat Sep 19 13:00:50 EDT 1998

Whenever I am looking for a listserv on a particular subject, I go to


Thomas Edelblute
tedelblu at usiu.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: John Albee [mailto:albee at revealed.net] 
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 1998 7:53 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [WEB4LIB] Historical Romance, Saturday, September 19, 1998

Does anyone know of a listserv which specializes in Historical Romance?
Thanks.  John

John Albee mailto:albee at revealed.net
Teacher, Davenport Community Schools
Website: Needle in a CyberStack - the InfoFinder
address: 736 Westerfield Road
         Davenport, Iowa 52806      phone: 319-386-2171

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