[WEB4LIB] workshops on html and cgi

Marcel Fortin mfortin at uccb.ns.ca
Fri Oct 2 11:04:54 EDT 1998

At 07:57 AM 10/2/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Does anyone know of a good workshop on advanced html and cgi? (in the U.S.)
>Is there a web site out there that collects workshop or conference
>Thanks in advance,
>Jackie DeLong	jsd at anderson.edu	

There is the Electronic Publishing of Datasets through the Association of
Research Libraries which is a PERL/CGI and HTML three day workshop.  More
info at:


Here is a blurb about it:

Held October 12-14, 1998 
Location: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 

This workshop is one in a series of ARL initiatives to provide essential
skills to information professionals in dealing with
numeric data sets and data analysis. This three-day workshop for librarians,
information professionals, and educators
will provide hands-on experience in developing interfaces for publishing and
analyzing data sets on the WWW. Numerical
databases and quantitative analysis require knowledge of statistical
programming, but the WWW allows users to
manipulate data more easily. This workshop will provide step by step
instructions on publishing social, economic, and
other data on the Internet. Participants will learn how to create HTML home
pages, Perl scripts, and other code and will
also provide transparent data analysis capabilities to their users. This
workshop aims to enhance the skills of those with
some familiarity with HTML and the UNIX operating system. Workshop Leader:
Patrick Yott, Coordinator of Social Science
Data Services, University of Virginia Libraries. 

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